Nancy Dunn has brought to my attention another letter (other than the ones stored at BYU). I am adding it to the Dunn/Silver Correspondance collection and will post it soon. Nancy is creating a new Dunn web page and will post the digital copies of the letter there. Enjoy!!!
Letter from Simeon A. Dunn
To Sophia E. Silver (Harriet Atwood Silver’s Mother)
[Written about 1859}
Dear Mother – Agreeable to Harriett’s request I would fain lay before you the plan of our holy religion that Harriet Esteemed so highly if I could see in your writing a spirit of inquiry I would direct you to that peaceful home that Harriet is now in possession of, through her obedience and careful adherence to the principals of the gospel of Salvation without which no one can enter that rest; this is my testimony which is faithful and true. My little Henry is also gone with his mate Little Harriet A to rest in the bosom of his Mother to wate the resurrection of the just, which if I am faithful I shall receive with all those little ones that I have parted with in this life, with their mothers at their sides to dwell with me on this Earth when wickedness and death shall be known no more on this earth; David says the righteous shall inherit Earth; This is a blessing that will attend the Righteous when the wicked shall not be.
N.B. Serve the Cause of godliness;
S. A. Dunn
I in my last conversation with Harriet I asked her if she would name the Babys. She said you better name them. I called them Harriet Atwood and Henry Silver. She said she would like to have that their names; She also wished me to get what was owing to her from her Father’s estate and use it in raising and schooling her children this is the reason that I have written in relation to it; you say that it is not agreeable to the Law of that State unless I would give bale that the money should be kept for the children when they become of age; it is but a small sum but if I had it now it somewhat to the comfort of the Children in their present condition; if it is that necessary to give bonds for the faithful payment of that amount to be divided to each of them as they become of age I am willing to do so. It will place the money in my hands; I can use it for their comfort; also be bound to them for principal and interest.
As it regards what you have paid or what we have rec, I am ignorant but I presume you are correct; I presume we have rec all that you have sent as far as you have given an account of therefore I am willing to sign the receipt; if you will procure it there among your friends for me I will sign a bond and you can have it made out and send it to me; I will sign it and return it to you. A check can be forwarded to me payable in N.Y. or St. Lewis. I can draw the money here on the for the check; all this is in your own hands as I shall take no steps to collect it myself against your will; Enough of that.
As it regards the difficulty between us and the US it is all settled; yet whereas we had all good order and good will towards all men we now have in our midst disorder of all kinds; drinking, gambling, ling, hordom, rapepine and murder… This is the way US introduces sivilization in the lands of the heathen as they term it.
As we were obliged to leave our homes last spring and flee before our enemies in order to evade collision with the US and for the safety of our wives and children we have been deprived of raising any crops this year; Altho we are all back in our homes yet we are destitute of many of the comforts of life that we might have had if we could have stayed at home in peace. Yet we trust in our God for deliverance. He has delivered us so far; and he has said that it is his business to provide for his Saints; & WE KNOW THAT WE ARE HIS SAINTS –
My family is now enjoying good health at present. The children are all going to school that is old enough. Aimeon A is learning very fast. He is a bright boy. They all send their love to their grandmother, uncles, ants, & cousins. I have got me another woman. She is an elderly woman; has but one child and she is married. My woman proves to be a good and a feeling mother to my children and a comfort to me.
Write often.
Sophia E. Silver Simeon A Dunn
My Grandfathers who were Kings of Norway
5 months ago
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