FHL Film #580596
Application No. 186
Exemplification Letters of Administration
to Margaret Dunn
Re: William A. Dunn
Late of Bertie, Yeoman, deceased
Exemplification of Letters of Administration of the personal Estate and Effects of William Dunn late of the Township of Bertie in the County of Welland, Yeoman, deceased, and which said grant of Administrations is on the words following that is to say:
Court of Probate
Province of Canada
Toronto to Wils(?)
By Secker Brough, Esquire, Official Principal office Court of Probate in and for that part of the Province of Canada, formerly constituting Upper Canada. Ye
Whereas Margaret Dunn of the Township of Bertie in the United Counties of Lincoln and Welland in the Province of Canada, Widow. By petitions to His Excellency the Right Honorable James Earl of Elgin and Kincardine Governor Gneral of the Province of Canada and Judge of the Court of Probate in and for that part of the said Province formerly constituting Upper Canada, did set forth that William Dunn late of the Township of Bertie aforesaid yeoman deceased, departed this life on or about the Eleventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty two possessed of Goods Rights Credits or Chattels in that part of the Province of Canada formerly constituting Upper Canada: that the Said deceased died intestate leaving petitioner his wiow him surviving; of Petitioner therefore prayed that Letters of Administration of all and singular the Goods, Rights, Credits, and Chatte;s wjocj were pf the said William Dunn, deceased at the time of his death or lawfully accruing thereafter in that part of the Province of Canada formerly consituting Upper Canada might be granted unto her on giving the Security required by law.
Wherefore Administration of all deed singular, the goods, rights, credits and chattels which were of the said William Dunn deceased at the time of his death or lawfully accruing thereafter in that part of the Province of Canada formerly constituting Upper Canada is hereby granted unto the said Margaret Dunn, she having given Bond into the Registry of the siad Court of Probate and makde oath well and faithfully to administer the same according to law and to make or cause to be made a full and perfect inventory thereof the same to be ixhibited into the Registry of the said Court of Probate on or before the last Monday in September next ensuring the date here of and also to render a just and full account of her said administrations unto the said Court when thereunto lawfully required.
Given under my hand and the seal of the said Court of Probate at Toronto aforesaid this Twenty Thrid day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fifty two. Signed: Secker Brough, Official Principal
Office of the Surrogate Clerk
I Charles Fitzgibbons the Surrogate Clerk do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is an exemplification of the Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effect of the therein named William Dunn deceased and that the Bond given pursuant to the statute is now deposited in the Court of Chancery for Upper Canada “pursuant to the provisions of the Surrogate Court Act of 1858.”
--Charles Fitzgibbons
In the Court of Probate, Margaret Dunn of the Township of Bertie in the United Counties of Lincoln and Wlland in the Province of Canada, Widow, of William Dunn late of the same place, Yeoman, deceased, maketh oath and saith that the said William Dun departed this life on or about the Eleventh day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty Two intestate and that no will or Testamentary paper was found amongst the effects of the said deceased to the best of this deponents knowledge infomration and belief. Sworn before me at Niagara in the United Counties of Lincoln and Welland this 16th day of Feby 1852. Signed: Margared Dunn
In the Court of Probate, Margared Dunn of the Township of Bertie in the United Counties of Lincoln and Welland in the Province of Canada, Widow, Administratirx of all and singular the goods, rights, credits, and chattels of William Dunn late of the same place, Yeoman, deceased, maketh oath and saith that the property of the said deceased devolving at his death is of the value of about seven hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Canada to the best of this deponents knowledge information and belief. Signed: Margaret Dunn
Sworn before one at Niagara in the United Counties of Lincoln and Welland this Sixteenth day of February, 1852.
Surrogate Court,
Upper Canada
County of Welland
Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
Write this Sheriff of the County of Welland or unto the Apparitor of the said Court.
We strictly asjoin and command yhou that you presentptorily cite or cause to be cited Margaret Harris (formerly Margaret Dunn) the Administratrix of all and singular and personal estate and effects, rights, and credits of William A. Dunn late of this Township of Bertie in the County of Welland, Yeoman, deceased, to be and appear in her own propes person before Our Judge of Our said Surrogate Court at his Chambers at the Village of Welland in the County of Welland aforesaid on Saturday this Seventh day of May AD 1864 at eh hour of ten of the clock in this June and to bring in with her and deposit in the siad Court at the said time and place, this original Letter of Administration granted to her of the said personal estate and effects, rights and credits of the said Intestate: and also bring in with her and ___ the same unto this said Court at theis time and place aforesaid a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular this good, chattels, personal estate, and effects of this said deceased which have come unto her hands paper and knowledge and then and thereby to render unto the said Court a just and true account of her administration of this said estate and affects.
And you will cause the said Margaret Harris to take notice that she will be at this said time and place called upon to she cause why the said Letters of Administration of this said personal Estate and effects rights and credits of the said deceased shall not be cancelled and why William H. Dunn of the said Twonship of Bertie being a person having an interest in the Goods of the said deceased shall not be appointed Administrator of the said Estate in her place and stead. And also then and there to shew cause why the Bond or Bonds given by her and her sureties as such Administrators shall not be assigned to this said William H. Dunn for the benefit of the estate of the said William A. Dunn deceased. And further to do, perform, observe and keep all such orders, decrees, matters and things as shall then and thereto or whenever this said matter shall come on to be heard, be made and given in this premises by our said Judge.
__ Harvey Williams Price, Esquire, Judge of our Said Court. 21 April 1864
My Grandfathers who were Kings of Norway
5 months ago